Information on the processing of personal data and consent to the processing of personal data

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ("the Regulation")

I am hereby informed and agree that in connection with my stay at "Apartmány Vlachovice", the operator (the accommodation provider) or the administrator authorised by it (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator") will,

on the basis of the Accounting Act, tax laws and other legally binding regulations, process my personal data:

  1. name and surname
  2. the address of the place of residence/company headquarters
  4. telephone number
  5. e-mail
  6. account number
  7. for a foreigner, also the address of the place where he/she mainly resides and the nationality.

All of the above personal data is processed and stored by the controller for the purpose of contract performance, for the purpose of accounting for individual business cases/visits, and for the purpose of keeping records of these - including ensuring records of activities related to these business cases (e.g.: processing an enquiry, making an offer, creating an invoice, etc.).

I hereby understand my right:

  • To have access to my Personal Data (according to Article 15 of the Regulation),
  • to request rectification (pursuant to Article 16 of the Regulation),
  • to have my Personal Data erased without undue delay if there are grounds under Article 17 of the Regulation,
  • to restrict the processing of Personal Data in cases pursuant to Article 18 of the Regulation,
  • to data portability in the cases provided for in Article 20 of the Regulation,
  • to withdraw this consent pursuant to Article 7(3) of the Regulation,
  • lodge a complaint against the Data Controller pursuant to Article 77 of the Regulation.

I declare that I have carefully read the text of this Consent, I understand the content, I agree with it and I am aware that by making a telephone enquiry (from the initial telephone contact) or by sending an accommodation enquiry in "Apartmány Vlachovice" to the e-mail of the accommodation provider, I expressly agree to the above-mentioned "Principles of personal data processing".